First-ever feature film with a main character with FASD

 Currently in development.

Join Zak and his other nuerodivergent friends on their challenging coming of age journey where compassion fuels victory.

Feature film in


At first glance, Zak seems like the typical slacker high school troublemaker destined to become a statistic as he bounces from school to school. In a final attempt to set him on a better course, his parents send him to live with his no-nonsense sheriff uncle and teacher aunt in rural Minnesota.

The change in environment isn’t a magic fix as Zak finds new trouble. But amidst the challenges, he discovers companionship with a neurodivergent brother and sister duo, an empathetic army veteran, and a compassionate in-school suspension teacher  who recognizes the underlying issue: Zak has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

He still makes questionable decisions that bewilder everyone, including himself, but he experiences a level of support he has never before known.

As those around him learn to approach with understanding and love, Zak rises up to become a respected and valuable member of his newfound community.


The character depictions are AI-generated and are not representations of the actual cast. Casting TBD.


It would be easy to label Zak a troublemaker as trouble seems to find him wherever he goes. Through no fault of his own, his executive functioning is deficient due to prenatal alcohol exposure. He makes questionable decisions that even bewilder himself, but it cannot be denied that he has a heart for helping. Literal and linear in his thinking, Zak is intelligent but gullible.

Q (Quint)

With high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Q doesn’t concern himself with making friends, but he recognizes he doesn’t have any other than his sister. His sensory needs align with the new kid in school, Zak, and their appreciation for each other’s quirkiness immediately draws them together, even though Q is infinitely more cautious than his adventurous new friend.


Sure, she has ADHD, and if tested, she would register on the autism spectrum, but Shay is a regular teenager comfortable being outside the “in-crowd.” Her bond with her older brother is as strong as the past trauma she lives with. She quickly becomes attached to her brother’s new friend, Zak, and takes on a maternal, albeit impulsive, role.


If not for the loss of her leg, which earned her an honorable discharge, Mantha would still be fighting for the love of her country. With PTSD, she’a acutely aware of everything happening around her. She is hypersensitive to others’ motives and sensitivities, which helps her get to know her newest employee, Zak.


Sheriff Ben hasn’t strayed far from his hometown, which he loves to protect. He married his high school sweetheart, and they have what appears to be an idyllic marriage. While he’s never falsely convicted anyone or pulled an ill-advised trigger, Ben does tend to accuse guilt before innocence, and he does have a short fuse.


Like Ben, Kate didn’t venture far from home where she has been a favorite teacher for nearly 20 years. Her lifelong battles with anxiety don’t stop Kate from finding the good in everyone. She is slow to judge. While Ben lays the law on Zak when he moves in with them, Kate searches for the correct language to use with their curious nephew.

Mr. Mason

A prominent face of the small community, Mr. Mason serves as a fireman, EMT, and member of many organizations, all while teaching a number of subjects at the high school. His approach to education is a little unorthodox as he truly tries to connect with each student at their level. Curiosity has led him down a path of learning more about the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.


Leading with charm, charisma, and confidence, Doc has plenty of rough edges. He overcame a difficult upbringing to earn his PhD and become principal of the small high school. But he wants more. Even if it hurts his wife, daughter, or the entire community. He doesn’t have the patience for a new troublemaker in school and he’s quick to let everyone know.

Meet our team


Joel W. Sheagren


Clio Award-winning Director/ Producer/Photographer Joel Sheagren brings 30 years of international production experience and 20 years of FASD parenting experience to the project. He is a renowned voice in furthering FASD research and education.


Justen Overlander

Producer / Screenwriter / Director

With a background in education and filmmaking, Justen brings a unique skillset to Embraced. As a producer on The Chosen, The Shift, and I Can, he is passionate in connecting to people and telling their unique stories, especially in the mental health arena.


Jodee Kulp

Author / Consultant

A pioneer in FASD strategies, and the mother of an adoptive child with FASD, Jodee is the author/co-author of more than ten books related to FASD. She is the co-founder of Red Shoes Rock, a group that has assisted thousands of families affected by FASD.

What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?

Statistically the world’s leading developmental disability, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term for a number of developmental disabilities resulting from exposure to alcohol in utero.

UP TO 0 %

of US 1st graders have a FASD

There are more than 400 comorbidities of FASD including depression, Autism, anxiety, executive function impairments, chronic illness, organ failure, Spina Bifida, and many more.

Contact Us

Never in our history has mental health awareness been more important. Join us in telling Zak’s story and bringing light to a prevalent condition that so few know about. Whether you want to be a fiscal partner or join the team with your talents, we want to hear from you.

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We’re in this together

In the face of a global decline in mental wellness, we are driven to craft stories that illuminate the shadows of the challenging moments we all endure. Our central focus in this endeavor is shedding light on a subject that remains largely unknown: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is entirely preventable, and we believe projects like Embracing Zak are integral to reducing its prevalence. We also believe projects like Embracing Zak can be entertaining and successful at the box office. This is a story so many can relate to. It’s an underdog triumphing over adversity. A group of outcasts making a meaningful impact. A resounding victory for the underrepresented. Inspired by cinematic classics like The Breakfast Club, Rudy, and Silver Linings Playbook, Embracing Zak pledges to deliver a story that is both heartfelt and humorous featuring memorable characters sure to capture your affection.

Be a part of the movement

Never in our history has mental health awareness been more important. Join us in telling Zak’s story and bringing light to a prevalent condition that so few know about. Whether you want to be a fiscal partner or join the team with your talents, we want to hear from you.

Proud sponsor of Run FASD 2024